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Association Takayasu France AIVA Italy APACS - Italy France Vascularites Suomen Vaskuliittiyhdistys - Finland Vasculitis Awareness Ireland Vasculitis - Poland Vasculitis Stichting - Netherlands Vasculitis UK - United Kingdom Vaskulitis e.V - Germany Vaskulitis Mainz - Germany AEVASI - Spain
The latest news......

10 jähriges Jubiläum der SHG Mainz
10 december, 2024
Die SHG Mainz (Sebst Hilfe Grupppe) feiert am 14. Dezember ihr 10-jähriges Bestehen! Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Hermann Götz! Gemeinsam mit dem Universitären Zentrum für Autoimmunität

How to improve health outcomes and care
6 december, 2024
THE VOICES STUDY New research from the University of Aberdeen has for the first time provided evidence of how best to deliver effective services that

2nd European AAV Patient Summit Amersfoort
28 november, 2024
This event is the follow-up to the first patient summit that took place two years ago in Madrid. During that event, doctors and patients were