see me. hear me.
Vifor Pharma and Vasculitis International co-created this project which seeks to empower people with AAV and their carers in feeling understood, seen and heard.
make aav patients feeling understood, seen and heard

Vifor Pharma is a pharmaceutical company with a strong focus on innovation for ANCA-Associated Vasculitis (AAV). According to their mission statement they “strive to help patients around the world with severe and chronic diseases lead better healthier lives“. In order to deliver on that promise Vifor Pharma collaborates with Vasculitis International and other Pan-European patient associations to create awareness and drive education about AAV.
Vasculitis International and Vifor Pharma therefore started a collaboration based upon the following objective: “Create deeper insights into the patient and carer experience in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis (AAV), from diagnosis to treatment and the joint goal of increasing disease awareness about AAV. This initiative aims to support and complement the valuable work already undertaken every day by patient organizations throughout Europe in supporting people living with AAV.”
our contribution
This was the start of an interesting collaboration where a lot of patients got interviewed and photographed. Professional photo shoots and video interview sessions were organized in Germany, The United Kingdom and The Netherlands.
As a trained rheumatologist, vasculitis patient and contemporary digital artist, Shanali Perera was heavily involved in the collaboration. With the support of Shanali, several creative concepts were developed and collaborating patient organizations selected the one that best represented ANCA-Associated Vasculitis. The title “SEE ME. HEAR ME.” was also selected together to represent the needs of the community.
All of this input and content was used to develop the educational platforms and