Takayasu France

We are very happy to welcome L’Association Takayasu France, as a member. Takayasu is a very rare disease, even compared to other forms of vasculitis.  According to her president Christine Nicollet, Takayasu France exists to let these patients know that they are not alone. That there is an organization out there that can help them […]

AIVA a New vasculitis organization in Italy


In July AIVA joined us at Vasculitis International. On Thursday july 26th 2024 this brand new vasculitis group was officially presented to the wider public, including the Italian parliament.  AIVA(Associazione Italiana Vasculiti ANCA) focuses on ANCA-associated forms of vasculitis and they want to bridge the information gap, enhance information and increase awareness of AAV at […]

2024 Barcelona Patient Conference

Following the success of the 2022 Vasculitis Patient Conference another one was organized in 2024 linked to the 21st International Vasculitis Workshop in Barcelona.   Three members of Vasculitis International closely worked together with the Vasculitis Foundation (the patient organization from the USA) in order to make this happen.             […]

Patient Conference Dublin

On April 3-6 the most important scientifice conference on vasculitis took place in Dublin . It was the 20th International Vasculitis and ANCA Workshop. Preceding this scientific conference a patient conference was organized by Vasculitis Ireland Awareness and supported by a team from Vasculitis International and a number of international young researchers. They also interviewed […]