AAV (ANCA Associated Vasculitis)
Immune Complex Vasculitis
Vasculitis Ireland Awareness (VIA) is an all island of Ireland support group, registered as a charity in both jurisdictions.
We are a group of people living with any of the Vasculitis illnesses providing support to others living with Vasculitis, raising awareness and working with fellow support groups, HCPs, Researchers, Academics and Policy Makers to improve the care and management of Vasculitis in Ireland.
We try to meet approximately every three months in Belfast, Galway and Dublin and hold regional coffee and chat events when possible.
We have held annual all Ireland conferences since 2011, where we have talks from experts in the field, meet others in a similar situation and further our knowledge of living with these rare diseases.
Our aims are
In August 2012 we achieved charitable status and in May 2013, Minister Poots launched our charity in the Long Gallery, Northern Ireland Assembly Buildings, Stormont. Charity number NIC 105731, HMRC number XT34911.
We are a voluntary group of people living with, or affected by Vasculitis. To date we have relied completely on fundraising ventures by our members. There is no subscription charge for joining the group. All monies raised go towards fulfilling our charity aims.